Pedie Perez Commemoration

RSVP for our Abortion is a Human Rights Rally on Saturday, Oct. 8th at 10am here. Comrades! We are facing virulent attacks on our rights. Nationally, we are in crisis. Nearly half of states have already or are planning to implement bans on abortion and limits to reproductive healthcare. Despite California’s progressive abortion laws, we still suffer from large deserts of abortion and reproductive care outside of our major cities. It is the reversal of Roe by the radical Supreme Court that has galvanized women and others to organize a major fightback to the incremental attacks on our democratic rights.- Women’s March, organizer of millions after the Trump election, called for a weekend of actions October 7-9. Then A Day Without Us was organized by Black-led organizations for Sept 30. And October 6th, Student Walkouts all across the country are being organized, in major part by our very own YDSAers!- In addition to forming our EBDSA Committee to Defend Abortion, EBDSA comrades have been organizing with Peralta Federation of Teachers, OEA, Planned Parenthood Advocates Mar Monte, rank-and-file unionists and community activists to organize against the radical Supreme Court. We began by hosting a Labor Day picnic and teach-in at Lake Merritt that was attended by over fifty activists. >From there, we answered the Woman’s March call for a Weekend of Action by organizing an Abortion is a Human Right Rally this Saturday, October 8th from 10am-12pm at Frank Ogawa Plaza. – We know a rally won’t overturn decades of right wing organizing, but coming together is always the first step. Join us this Saturday to begin rebuilding a bottom-up movement for democracy and freedom! RSVP for our Abortion is a Human Rights Rally on Saturday, Oct. 8th at 10am here. Comrades! We are facing virulent attacks on our rights. Nationally, we are in crisis. Nearly half of states have already or are planning to implement bans on abortion and limits to reproductive healthcare. Despite California’s progressive abortion laws, we still suffer from large deserts of abortion and reproductive care outside of our major cities. It is the reversal of Roe by the radical Supreme Court that has galvanized women and others to organize a major fightback to the incremental attacks on our democratic rights.- Women’s March, organizer of millions after the Trump election, called for a weekend of actions October 7-9. Then A Day Without Us was organized by Black-led organizations for Sept 30. And October 6th, Student Walkouts all across the country are being organized, in major part by our very own YDSAers!- In addition to forming our EBDSA Committee to Defend Abortion, EBDSA comrades have been organizing with Peralta Federation of Teachers, OEA, Planned Parenthood Advocates Mar Monte, rank-and-file unionists and community activists to organize against the radical Supreme Court. We began by hosting a Labor Day picnic and teach-in at Lake Merritt that was attended by over fifty activists. >From there, we answered the Woman’s March call for a Weekend of Action by organizing an Abortion is a Human Right Rally this Saturday, October 8th from 10am-12pm at Frank Ogawa Plaza. – We know a rally won’t overturn decades of right wing organizing, but coming together is always the first step. Join us this Saturday to begin rebuilding a bottom-up movement for democracy and freedom! The Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality and State Repression voted unanimously to support Proposition One on the November 8th ballot. It would add this to the State Constitution, clarifying human rights to abortion and contraception: |
The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives. This section is intended to further the constitutional right to privacy guaranteed by Section 1, and the constitutional right to not be denied equal protection guaranteed by Section 7. Nothing herein narrows or limits the right to privacy or equal protection.
Join us Saturday, September 10 at 6 PM for our annual commemoration & BBQ at the place of Pedie Perez’ police execution outside Uncle Sam’s Liquors at 3322 Cutting Blvd., Richmond.
You can listen to a podcast about Pedie’s murder on this NPR podcast.
On September 17th 2021, KPFA staff member and journalist Frank Sterling was attacked by police while covering a demonstration in Antioch. He was tackled, held down, tasered, and his recording equipment taken. Compounding the injustice, Frank has been charged with resisting arrest.
Frank is Technical Director of KPFA’s Apprenticeship Program; a contributor to Friday evening’s Full Circle show; and a staff representative to the KPFA Local Station Board. Frank is part of the Bay Area’s Native American community, active in exposing police brutality and denouncing police killings and has already endured a previous attack by the Antioch police. Frank is also a member of The Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality & State Repression.
Frank is facing an April 25th, 2022 court date at 8:30 am at the Contra Costa Superior Court, 1000 Center Drive, Pittsburgh, CA. and needs your support.
Take action: Sign this petition. Call Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton’s office at 925-957-2200 or tweet at @DADianaBecton and demand the dismissal of charges.
Email the DA at DAOffice@contracostada.org. Please use Subject heading:Drop the Charges.
The DA ran on criminal justice reform. We are asking she uphold her promise. We must end the criminalization of protest and of independent journalists covering these events.
For more information:
Report by Black Agenda Report contributing editor Ann Garrison: https://blackagendareport.com/activist-journalist-frank-sterling-trial
Sign the Change.org petition demanding that Contra Costa DA Diana Becton drop the charges here:
SB 2, a new law passed in September & signed by Gov. Newsom establishes a Commission on Peace Officers Standards & Training to review local investigations in to allegations of police misbehavior, may recommend suspending or revoking an officer’s license. It will also have the power to instigate further investigations or police behavior and recommend disciplinary action. The Commission will be composed of 2 police representatives & 6 members of the community and an attorney, if deemed useful. Very powerful California police unions lobbied against the bill. This bill will make it harder for a cop to be discharged in one jurisdiction and just get another police position somewhere else. California is no longer one of four states without a police decertification process.
Assembly Bill 89 raises the minimum age of newly hired officers from 18 to 21.
Assembly Bill 490 prohibits choke-holds and other dangerous restraint techniques.
Senate Bill 16 expands public access to police misconduct records.
“George Floyd’s Law”, Assembly Bill 26, requires police to intervene in situations where other cops are using excessive force. It requires reporting of uses of excessive force.
Please Join Us
Saturday, September 11, 2021
7:00 PM
Uncle Sam’s: 3322 Cutting Boulevard, Richmond
Refreshments Will Be Served
Normally we meet on the first Monday of the month, but because of the hollow daze we’ve kicked this one back to September 13th at 7 PM.
Meeting ID: 917 0510 9012
Get the passcode by joining our riseup email list by sending an email to this eddress.
Perhaps by January we will start having “meatings” in flesh-space, possibly at the Long Haul.
Feature hour-long podcast from National Public Radio on the shooting of 24 year old, unarmed Rick “Pedie” Perez by Rochmond PD officer Wallace Jensen.
The Oscar Grant Committee works closely with the families of young people shot by law enforcement officers in the Bay Area. One of the families we have worked most closely with is the Perez family in Richmond, whose son Richard “Pedie” Perez, Jr was shot by Richmond Police Officer Wallace Jensen.
This document archive contains videos, audio of investigatory and witness interviews, autopsy and coroner photographs and extensive documentation. We believe it paints a compelling picture of a cover-up and an officer guilty of the murder of a civilian who was never charged.
We invite you to review our document archive. Here is a PDF with additional information from Justice4Pedie.