SB 2, a new law passed in September & signed by Gov. Newsom establishes a Commission on Peace Officers Standards & Training to review local investigations in to allegations of police misbehavior, may recommend suspending or revoking an officer’s license. It will also have the power to instigate further investigations or police behavior and recommend disciplinary action. The Commission will be composed of 2 police representatives & 6 members of the community and an attorney, if deemed useful. Very powerful California police unions lobbied against the bill. This bill will make it harder for a cop to be discharged in one jurisdiction and just get another police position somewhere else. California is no longer one of four states without a police decertification process.
Assembly Bill 89 raises the minimum age of newly hired officers from 18 to 21.
Assembly Bill 490 prohibits choke-holds and other dangerous restraint techniques.
Senate Bill 16 expands public access to police misconduct records.
“George Floyd’s Law”, Assembly Bill 26, requires police to intervene in situations where other cops are using excessive force. It requires reporting of uses of excessive force.