SF Police Commission Meeting Following Mario Woods Shooting

Gerald S., Stan W., and Steve J. of the Oscar Grant Committee went to the SF Police Commission meeting on 12/9/15 following the shooting of Mario Woods and gave this report:

[Gerald Smith:]
At 5 pm Wednesday nite there was a rally on the front step of SF City Hall. About 500 attended this rally and tried to get in the SF Police Commission meeting. Our forces, the working class opposition to police brutality, were not well organized, as per the related events that preceded this meeting (the Vigil 12/3/15 about 1,000 participants, the Town Hall Meeting 12/4/15 just under 1,000 participants) Because there were so many people the SF Police Commission bureaucrats had to set up an overflow room in which was a TV screen broadcasting the Police Commission meeting.

[Stan Woods:]
The racial/ethnic composition was good with at least half of the crowd black, latino, and asian. Approx. half of the crowd was white. Also, many youth participated.

[Steve Jacobsen:]
There was a crowd of protesters at SF City Hall, many speaking to the Police Commission. About 200-300 couldn’t get into the hearing, but they stayed in the hallway doing mike-checks. Several young women led the crowd yelling chants for Police Chief Suhr and Mayor Ed Lee to resign. They were fired up. They fired up everybody in the building. It is the spark to create the fire that will result into another Ferguson. Also the people called for the six guilty officers to be indicted for this murderous crime. It felt like the beginning of the Sixties.

Original video of shooting (16 sec)

Advise Show News (11 min)

San Jose Mercury News story on Policemen’s union statement regarding the shooting (with video)