Dear Colin Kaepernick,
The Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality and State Repression applaud you for taking a stand in an attempt to shine a light on what we feel is one of the greatest atrocities of our day, the unwarranted killing of black and brown people across this country by the repressive apparatus of the state, the police.
It is a bold and courageous statement you are making. One that is sure to cost you professionally. However, regardless of the cost to you personally, you have chosen to throw in with the powerless and the oppressed to bring an end to this evil in order, to advocate for true justice and liberty for all, in short to truly live up to the ideals which our flag is supposed to represent.
Be aware, Mr. Kaepernick, you are now in the cross hairs of those who are the enemies of social justice and like many of the progressive peoples’ heroes of the past you will suffer retaliation. But true heroes have always been willing to pay that price. Your principled stand will inspire others to get off the sidelines and take the field of action and make some plays to advance social justice in this country.
The Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality And State Repression has been organizing and speaking out in behalf of the victims murdered by bad cops ever since we were formed in 2010 in response to the unjustified killing of Oscar Grant by Johannes Mehserle, who was a BART Policeman at the time. We are not anti-police, we are pro-life, black and brown lives in particular. We are tired of seeing them cut short by the people who have sworn to protect them.
Reactionary elements in our society rail against the messengers of inconvenient truths, become outraged about perceived slights to our cherished symbols of authority, yet often remain far too silent about the injustices that makes it necessary to speak out in the first place.
The Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality And State Repression will continue to speak out against police misconduct and stand with the families whose loved ones have been murdered by bad cops, and we will continue to stand with you Mr. Kaepernick.
The Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality And State Repression extends the invitation to Colin Kaepernick to collaborate with us & explore ways we can work together to advance the struggle.
OGC Contact: Gary Hall (web site editor)
(510) 7129394 or (415) 623-6473
Note: The Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality and State Repression is not to be mistaken for the Oscar Grant foundation. We are two different organizations.